Product Information

We offer all the sizes according to both, American and European approach. But even if you do not find your desired size on the list, you can always use the utility of “complete customization”. Here is our chart for European, USA, and International Approach. 
Yes, as long as the jacket and trouser chosen are ordered together as a 2 piece suit and (ideally) in the same size or no more than one size difference apart, then it will get both full connection length zip as well as an 8" universal connecting zip. For example you can match a (L) jacket to an (M, L or XL) trouser or visa versa to get a ¾ zip. However if you chose an (XL) Trouser with a (M) jacket, it will only get an 8" rear connecting zip. (note: some designs do not allow for mixed jacket and trouser sizes. This will be identifiable from the product description. Of course there are also 1 piece suits that do not have a connecting zip
The surcharge is a manufacturing supplier on cost due to additional leather material used on product in those sizes. The cost also covers the added weight for shipping and additional raw materials cost.
(*** more info coming soon***)